Wednesday, 9 September 2020

I Am Not a Robot!

I have just read an essay generated by GPT-3 OpenAI's language generator, when given the task, from stratch, to convince us that 'robots come in peace and are no threat to humans' ( The final essay was an edited version put together from 6 or so drafts. I must admit that I found the essay appealing as a piece of work put together by an intelligent 'mind' but I was less convinced about the 'no threat to humans' part. It got me thinking about whether this blog could be written by AI. It is certainly the case that I generally take my inspirations from what I have read in newspapers/ magazines, seen on the TV, heard on the radio or spotted online. You will, hopefully, be well-aware that the topics generally concern natural history, environmental issues, science (and its treatment by the media), medicine (and its limitations, especially when acted upon by politicians) and education. All of this is necessarily 'filtered' through my local experiences and circumstances, as well as my somewhat atypical educational history. AI could very easily be tasked with collecting the same information and providing commentaries on selected items (collecting and processing information is one of the things that AI can do in a fraction of the time that it takes me). I suspect (and hope?) that, if AI were writing my blog (and I have left nothing in my will about this) it would a) be much too long, as there is masses of material that could be commented on; b) the selection of topics would be less idiosyncratic; c) the puns in the post titles would disappear and d) there would be clear evidence of commercial acumen (and investment?) in the coverage. Perhaps there is scope for a few more years of me, if you don't mind my unshiny appearance?

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