Monday, 7 September 2020

School's Out (Again)?

It has all happened even faster than I, at my most pessimistic, expected but it appears that a worrying number of schools across England and Wales are reporting positive tests for Covid-19 ( Some of the positive tests are in teachers and others involve a variety of symptomatic and asymptomatic pupils. In some cases, schools have been closed whereas, in others, 'social bubbles' have had to be asked to self-isolate. Sometimes, warning letters have been sent to parents (as they and grandparents may be at risk). I appreciate that this was always an enormous undertaking and that outbreaks were more or less bound to happen (even with the best of intentions). School buildings are not, however, designed with social distancing and hygiene as major foci. Arrngements must have to be less than optimal in some places. It's not looking good for the slightly later return of University students?

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