Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Bite of the Tiger Mosquito

Dengue fever is a debilitating viral infection, transmitted by the bite of the Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus). 2024 has seen an impressive spike in infections. Thus far this year, there's been 12.4 million cases of Dengue fever. Most have been in Latin America; Africa and SE Asia. Cases are now, however, starting to appear in Europe and the US ( The infection spike appears linked to the spread of the viruses vector. Climate change (areas becoming warmer and wetter) and urbanisation (concentrating folk) are providing opportunities for the Tiger mosquito to flourish in new geographical areas. It's estimated that eventually, world-wide, some 4 billion people will be at risk of contracting Dengue fever. This would, of course, have major impacts on education, working populations and health services.

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