Tuesday 8 October 2024

Carbon Capturing By the Fossil Fuellers

The new UK government's pledging of £22bn to subsidise carbon capture and storage, followed intense earlier lobbying by the fossil fuel companies. Oil and gas giants, attended 24 of the 44 external ministerial events discussing this technology by the previous government in 2023. The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) and Exxon-Mobil 'sang from the same hymn sheet', as the wording used in their submissions, were generally almost identical. The Oil and gas giants were either very convincing or the government 'pledge' is intended to be flexible, whilst keeping the fossil fuellers 'on side' (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/07/uks-22bn-carbon-capture-pledge-follows-surge-in-lobbying-by-fossil-fuel-industry-records-show). It continues to look like a bad and expensive decision. The fact that the CCSA and Exxon-Mobil both pushed hard for this dubiously-effective technology, suggests they viewed it as a 'technofix', that would let them carry on polluting.

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