Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Gushing 'Greenhouse Gases'

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) notes that,, over the last 20 years, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide; methane and nitrous oxide have all markedly increased. These are, of course, the 'greenhouse gases', elevating global temperatures. They inevitably produce marked climate change. In deed, the WMO record a full 10% increase in carbon dioxide over the last two decades. In 2023, atmospheric concentrations of this gas, were at the highest ever seen for thousands of years (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/28/planet-heating-pollutants-in-atmosphere-hit-record-levels-in-2023). There's been much debate about the dangers of 'runaway' climate change. There's also been numerous United Nations COP meetings. Countries and companies jumped to make 'pledges'. None of this seems to have made the slightest difference to 'greenhouse gas' emissions. 'Pledges' might cynically be defined as 'cheap promises, that put off the need for actual real action'. One thing is certain. We are not currently handling this anthropogenic (human-mediated) problem at all well.

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