Monday, 14 October 2024

BP Backtrack

For a time, so-called Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards were all the rage. ESG standards were cited as providing evidence for whether responsible investment in a company was ethical. Pension funds and others cited them. British Petroleum (BP) once 'bigged up' its new environmental focus. This was after being involved in a major pollution event. The company claimed it would reduce its emissions by 40%. Somewhat later, when big profits were to be made as a result of Russia's attack on Ukraine, BP slashed its pledge to 25%. This petrochemical giant now plans to forget any of its promised curbs on fossil fuel production. It has major new investments in the Middle East and the Gulf of Mexico ( The retreat from green standards is gathering pace. Did anyone ever believe that fossil fuel companies, worried about anything other than their profits? The 'greenwash' cycle appears to be over.

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