Sunday, 27 October 2024

I Wouldn't Put It Pasta!

Asking a simplistic question like 'Is white pasta bad for you?', clearly illustrates the problem for folk trying to eat healthily. Regular durum wheat white pasta, was lauded in the 'low fat' era. Folk training for marathons, were urged to 'carboload'. The same food was subsequently demonised in the 'low carb' craze. White pasta made you fat! Many alternative brown 'pastas' have appeared, made from rice, soy and other materials. Do most folk have to strictly avoid all white pasta? ( White pasta is relatively cheap and quickly digested. This might result in folk over-eating. If, however, white pasta consumption is balanced by exercise, it's a fine source of energy. The 'debate' just reveals that certain foods elicit fad after fad. Statements by food companies, cooking programmes, restauranteurs et cetera generally leave joe public confused about what and how much he/she should eat. Some of the 'information' put out, is clearly tailored to increase sales, rather than inform. We really need to have clearer messages for the general public!

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