Thursday, 2 January 2025

Bird 'Flu, Brain Rot, Booze and Obesity?


Devi Sridhar (Edinburgh University) has listed likely public health challenges of 2025. She opines that Bird 'flu shows every sign of becoming a new pandemic. The virus is now ubiquitous in both wild and domesticated birds. A less virulent version is to be found in US herds of dairy cattle. There's been increasing numbers of human infections. Thus far, however, these have been largely due to contact with animals. Things will get serious, if the virus mutates to facilitate human-to-human transmission. Sridhar also thinks that the 'Brain rot' associated with virtually continuous exposure to social media algorithms must lead to protections being put in place to protect children's developing minds. She also believes the public must finally recognize there are no health benefits of even modest amounts of alcohol ingestion. Booze is bad for you. Sridhar also points out that the injectable weight-loss drugs (e.g. Wegovy) are clearly associated with a number of health problems, including kidney damage. She strongly feels they should only be used to counter intractable obesity and not as a life-style means of losing a few pounds  ( In fairness, Sridhar also notes some potential 'good news' public health developments. She thinks the new malarial vaccine offers real hope, especially to young people in parts of Africa. Sridhar also thinks the HPV vaccine could eradicate cervical cancer in most women. So, 'A Happy and Healthy 2025!' 

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