Wednesday, 22 January 2025

No Vaccine Is Totally Safe But the World Is Safer With Vaccines


All medical procedures carry some risk. Infections with viral, bacterial, protists (single-celled organisms) and multicellular parasites, however, cause profound ill-health and multiple human deaths. David Milliband runs the International Rescue Committee. This NGO, operates the Reaching Every Child in Humanitarian Settings project. This project tries to get vaccines to children living in fragile or conflict-affected locations, with no or only partial government. Milliband warns the rise of 'alternative facts' about vaccines, is making it increasingly difficult to protect these vulnerable children ( A trigger for Milliband's concerns must be the activities of Aaron Siri ( Siri is advisor to Robert F. Kennedy junior, the 'pick' for US Health Secretary. Siri has already petitioned the US Food and Drug Administration (USDA) to withdraw approvals for a raft of vaccines, including that for polio. Kennedy has attempted to 'distance' himself from this pressure on the USDA. Apparently, however, he still subscribes to the totally debunked claim of a link between vaccines and autism. There're no facts (alternative or otherwise) in science! Science deals with probabilities. It's highly probable that reducing access to vaccinations (especially in difficult areas of the globe), will result in more illness and deaths. That's about as certain as one can get!

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