Sunday, 26 January 2025

Last Orders Please?


The inexorable march of the weight-loss drugs continues. It's now suggested they may be used to counter alcoholism, compulsive shopping and smoking. In addition to dramatic weight-loss, folk privately injecting themselves with drugs purchased from 'online pharmacies', have noted big decreases in their cravings for alcohol, as well as a markedly reduced tolerance to booze  ( Semaglutide is the active factor in the weight-loss drug, Wegovy, as well as the type-2 diabetes treatment, Ozempic. Tirzepatide accounts for Mounjaro's weight-loss properties. Both active factors apparently convince the body it's already satiated. It's uncertain how these compounds have their actions on alcohol consumption. As alcoholic drinks are packed with calories, one would expect ingestion to be reduced anyway. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide may also simply suppress neural, dopaminergic reward pathways. This could account for their effects on a wider range of compulsions. Alcohol producers are seeing declines in sales. Some investment bodies are selling their shares in these companies. There's also likely to be negative impacts on restaurants and catering. Perhaps they might even be used eventually to treat compulsive gambling? 

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