Saturday, 25 July 2020

Another Thing to Factor in Whilst Taking a Foreign Holiday?

The first collapse of an 'air bridge' has occurred with people currently holidaying in Spain being told that they should quarantine themselves for 14 days on their return to the UK ( This is happening because there has been, surprise, surprise, a surge in Covid-19 cases in Spain. I worried about the air bridge concept when it was first mooted as a) people often do riskier things on holiday that they wouldn't consider doing at home; b) tourists travel and live together in relatively large groups and c) holiday makers will be returning (as they did at the start of the pandemic in this country) in large numbers to places all over the UK. I doubt that all the people returning from Spain can be checked to prove they are following this directive. This makes it more likely that we will see a resurgence of cases in the UK. It also means that people can go on holiday to a supposedly 'safe' location, only to find that its status has changed whilst they are abroad. So they get 14 days in limbo that were not in the initial package.

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