Tuesday 14 July 2020

Revenge of the Fish Course?

There are reportedly increases in worm infections associated with the growing popularity of sushi and sushimi. On of the more recent stories concerns a Japanese woman, complaining of a sore throat, who was found to have a substantial nematode worm lodged in her left tonsil (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/14/worm-found-in-tonsil-of-japanese-woman-with-sore-throat). The live worm was safely removed in hospital with tweezers but it does confirm that you could get more than you bargained for with uncooked food.

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Seeing the Changes 2016

Further flowers in Bynea. Pineapple mayweed ( Chamomilla suaveolens ) and feral Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica ) put in appearances.