Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Making a Mad Dash For the Exit?

Devi Sridhar (University of Edinburgh) makes some comments about the the speed with which some politicians want to return to a 'normality' after the Covid19 pandemic (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/14/isolate-covid-politicians-normal-scientists-pandemic). Professor Sridhar points out that there are three gaping holes in our scientific knowledge. Firstly, it is not clear how long, after vaccination/infection immunity lasts. The duration of protection might well be shorter in some vulnerable groups. Secondly, it the long-term effects of a Sars-CoV-2 infection are uncertain. In addition to Long-Covid, there is evidence that people have a higher risk of a heart-attack or a stroke in the year after an infection. And, thirdly, we have no idea of the likely characteristics of any new viral variants. She points out that it is basic 'commonsense' to try to protect individuals around you (family and work colleagues) from infection. This is standard medical advice. Stopping the requirements to wear facemasks and to self-isolate after an infection, seem rather premature. Sadly, the option of self-isolation, is likely to become a preserve of privileged groups.

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