Monday, 2 March 2020

Cop-26 and Coronavirus?

Concern has been expressed that the vital Cop-26 climate talks in Glasgow this coming November and the necessary  preparations will be derailed by the COVID-19 outbreak ( The two phenomena (climate change and a potential pandemic) are, of course, linked in many ways as both are reflections of how we humans currently operate on a c distinctly finite planet with many complex interconnections. It is essential that we get back on track to follow (or exceed?) the agreements at the Paris accord but, strangely, COVID-19 is helping (as well as hindering) in this respect. China is currently the biggest generator of greenhouse gases but I have seen claims that air quality has recently improved in Chinese cities because of the reduced industrial activity. Airlines (sources of greenhouse gases) are also complaining about the impact of reduced bookings. These are likely to be only short-term 'gains' but they do provide guidance on some of the things we should do to keep the planet cool enough to live on.

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