Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Don't Pass it On!

Worryingly, there seem to be daily U-turns in the official advocated advice on the Covid-19 outbreak. Suddenly, closures, avoiding large gatherings and testing for contacts are back in vogue. I seems important to note an account of where transmission of infections are most likely to take place (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/17/scientists-age-groups-covid-19-workplaces-shops-restaurants). As one might expect, in adults up to their 60s, most transmission is in the workplace (so, home working, where possible, is an excellent idea). For people in their 70s and older (the most vulnerable cohort), passing on infections occurs in shops, restaurants and leisure centres (so cutting back on these activities is helpful to we oldies). If you want to get rid of a pandemic you have to reduce the transmission rate and Covid-19 is difficult in this respect.  People in the early infectious stage, are often without symptoms (so superficial screening at airports is generally ineffective and, once in the community, the virus can be passed on to many contacts before you have confirmed you have a case).

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