Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Oranges Squashed!

Huanlongbing disease (also known as 'yellow dragon disease' or 'citrus greening') is an infection of citrus trees like oranges. This disease is caused by a bacterium, Candidatus liberibacter, vectored by sap-feeding insects. Huanlongbing disease can kill a citrus tree within 5 years. The infection currently has no cure. Huanlongbing disease was first identified in China in 1943. In 1947, the disease made its way to Africa and began to decimate Florida's orange groves in 2005. The European Union have started a 'Life for Citrus' programme designed to prevent Huanlongbing disease impacting its citrus crops (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/08/sevilles-marmalade-oranges-under-threat-from-deadly-yellow-dragon-disease-aoe). Huanlongbing disease has currently reached epidemic levels in 48 Asian countries; 53 African states, as well as Brazil and the US. Candidatus liberibacter hasn't yet arrived in Europe but one of its vectors, Trioze eryteae, has been found in Portugal, the Canary Islands and Galicia (NW Spain). The expert view is "Once the vector arrive, sooner or later, the bacteria does as well". People are now getting very concerned about the probable fate of Seville's famous oranges. Where will we Brits (and Paddington bear) get our marmalade, if Huanlongbing disease comes to Europe?

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