Sunday, 23 October 2022

Should Politicians Keep on Running?

Catherine Bennett, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, asks whether conspicuous jogging by UK Prime Ministers (PM) should be viewed as a 'red flag' ( Bennett poses her question on the basis of 3 of the last 4 PMs being regularly photographed in Lycra, sweatily pounding the streets. None of those three have been an unmitigated success. It's claimed that running usefully oxygenates the brain, Bennett notes, however, that jogging doesn't seem to have boosted their political performance. Having a better oxygenated brain, however, doesn't mean becoming more intelligent or showing better judgement. Running also boosts the body's production of endorphins. Endorphins are natural pain-relieving compounds, with effects a little like the anaesthetic, morphine. Their production could make the jogging PMs feel better about themselves. Personally speaking, endorphin generation helps me to stop thinking about politicians and their collective stupidities.

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