Thursday, 6 October 2022

The Womb's Not Safe?

'Dirty air' (from vehicle exhausts; home heating systems and industrial processes), contains masses of toxic carbon nanoparticles. Pregnant women breathing dirty air, have high incidences of miscarriages and premature births, as well as babies with low birth weights. Carbon nanoparticles were detected in the placental blood flow between the mother and the baby. It's now been established, that carbon nanoparticles accumulate in the tissues of babies, before they have even taken their first breath ( A study examined pregnant, non-smokers from Scotland and Belgium. Worryingly, these are areas with relatively low air pollution. Many black carbon particles, breathed in by these mothers, were found in lung, liver and brain tissue from their unborn babies. Obviously, concentrations of nanoparticles in foetal tissues are likely to be much higher in locations with higher air pollution. In the womb, babies don't just have 'forever chemicals' to contend with. There are masses of problematic chemicals out there!

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Seeing the Changes 2127

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