Friday, 14 July 2023

European Heatwave Should Put the Wind Up the UK?

A Southern shift of the jet stream has pushed high pressure systems into areas of Europe. They are consequently experiencing a dangerous heatwave. That same shift has directed low pressure systems into the UK. As a result, the UK is experiencing unseasonally heavy rainfall and 55 mph winds. Alterations of weather systems is, of course, what occurs with 'climate change' ( Perhaps the thing that ought to be 'putting the wind up' us, however, is the current speed of climate change? Things appear to be happening much faster than even most climate scientists predicted. El Nino is adding to the impacts of human 'greenhouse gas' emissions. Even if all 'greenhouse gas' emissions stopped today (let's face it, that's not going to happen!), there are years of momentum left in global heating. What the denizens of many Northern latitude countries seem slow to appreciate, is that many equatorial zones of this planet are about to become unliveable. In that case, attempting to stop small boats crossing the English Channel (La Manche), will seem like King Canute trying to hold back the tide.

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