Wednesday 12 February 2020

Resistence is Futile?

Complain about the cost-effectiveness? Complain about the substantial environmental damage? It all appears to no avail when the UK government is intent on selling an optimistic forecast of improved (for some) travel and rocketing economic prospects for 'deprived'/ potentially 'powerhouse' areas ( It is certainly easier to sell the 'positive' story (especially with media help) than to point to the losses (especially when you can trash an ancient woodland in preference to taking part of a nearby golf course). You can promise a few electric buses and even throw in a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland ( ), perhaps assuming that Scottish independence will not result in one end being in the EU?

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Seeing the Changes 2016

Further flowers in Bynea. Pineapple mayweed ( Chamomilla suaveolens ) and feral Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica ) put in appearances.