Sunday, 9 January 2022

Follow the Science

The thing about Science is that it's a technique rather than a position of faith. Science is 'true' as far as it goes. Some science is more reliably true than other areas. A most obvious example is the difference between the scientific method using objective measures (like cm) and that using more subjective indices (like aggressiveness). It's also the case that 'science' can be done badly, with inappropriate statistics; unbalanced groups; unrecognised bias etc. Even when it is done well, it is subject to interpretation. Different scientists can give different 'weight' to particular findings or aspects. The lack of absolute certainty is an inherent characteristic of science. it is also one of the aspects that confuses and distresses the general public. Science provides valuable 'pointers' rather than guarantees! It is, however, the best we have.

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