Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Grilling With Oil?

Board members of BP, Chevron, Exxon and Shell are to be 'invited' to testify to a US Congressional Committee in February (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jan/21/oil-industry-board-members-to-testify-congress-climate-disinformation). The Congressional Committee want to determine the role of 'big oil' in the climate crisis as well as their decades of spreading disinformation about the 'greenhouse gas' effect. The oil companies were told by their own scientists that global heating was exaccerbated by burning fossil fuels. Rather than doing squat about it, 'big oil' channneled billions into attempts to undermine climate science (including the setting up of misnamed 'thinktanks'). The companies deserve a jolly good grilling (or worse)? There should certainly be financial penalties and reduced opportunities to 'greenwash'.

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