Friday, 14 January 2022

The Crises in Some Countries Hardly Appear to Register

In 2021, a total of 235 million people needed assistance to survive. Newspaper and TV reports had regular accounts of the negative impacts of climate, poverty and human conflict on populations. The humanitarian organisation Care International notes, however, that, whilst some crises received global attention, others are hardly reported on ( Care International have produced a report listing the 10 locations around the world in 2021, that received the least media attention. The study looked at media using 5 prominent languages. Each of the 10 locations had at least 1 million people affected by conflict; disease (including Covid19) and/or climate disasters. Care International think it is a deep injustice that crises in Zambia; Ukraine; Malawi; Central African Republic; Guatemala; Columbia; Burundi; Niger and Zimbabwe, go reatively unreported. One must note, however, that getting media attention, doesn't always translate into action. Much has been written about the wide-spread child starvation in Afghanistan but little aid seems to be reaching that country (for a variety of reasons).

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