Monday, 24 January 2022

Offshoring Emissions?

Australia's $500m Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) is about to go into action ( Hydrogen has been marketed as a 'clean' energy source. The HESC, however, involves making hydrogen, using the dirty brown coal from Victoria's La Trobe Valley. Although it is proposed to use carbon capture techniques, the actual mining and processing are still likely to release global temperature-elevating emissions. HESC will employ a pupose-built tanker to take (generating more emissions in transport) the hydrogen to Japan. In Japan, it will be burned in currently coal-fired power plants to generate electricity. A number of experts have suggested that this is purely a cosmetic exercise, simply moving Japan's 'greenhouse gas' emissions to Australia. One would have thought that Australians would be keen to actually stop the effects of climate change?

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