Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Air Passenger to Man Accused of 'Tagskryt'?

'Tagskryt' is a new Swedish word meaning 'train bragging'. It's a term levelled at folk assumed to be simply 'virtue signalling', by using the train rather than by taking a flight. Carlton Reid (a freelance travel journalist) is well-placed to comment on this phenomenon (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/18/why-i-quit-flying-travel-writer-green-issues). Reid combines being a travel writer, with dealing with 'green issues'. In his role as the former, he was frequently invited (and paid) to travel to many diverse, exotic locations, generally by air. His recognition of 'green issues', however, eventually made it such, he decided he could no longer, in conscience, fly. Although some locations are almost impossible to reach without taking a plane, Reid found that quiting flying as a travel writer was far easier than he expected. He was able to visit sufficient locations to do paid writing assignments, by using train and/or ferry services. What Reid found much harder (albeit impossible), however, was getting his family to change their mode of transport for taking holidays etc. They accused him of being a hypocrite, because of the preceeding years when he had flown to do his work. The major difficulties of switching from plane to train are a) it takes much longer; b) isn't always scenic e.g. at night and c) is generally much more costly. If we really want to reduce air travel's 'greenhouse gas' emissions, the costs of regular flights have to be markedly increased. Currently, everything (e.g. the lack of duty on jet fuel) is stacked in its favour, so getting folk to change is going to be very difficult.

1 comment:

Paul Brain said...

It might be a tad harsh, but can anyone who encourages travel (even if they cut out flying) really be doing their best for climate change?

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