Friday, 29 December 2023

UK Storing Up Trouble For Itself

Michael Marmot (University College London) notes that famines, in countries like the UK, are not caused by a lack of food but by socially deprived folk lacking access to healthy food ( ). In June 2023, the Food Foundation found that 9 million adults (in 17% of households) experienced moderate or severe food in security. That figure was more than 7% higher than in June 2021. At the same time, there was an alarming increase in hospital admissions due to insufficient intake of micronutrients. Obesity was associated with eating calory-rich but micronutrient-deficient food. Unicef looked at data gathered on child poverty between 2012 and 2021. it found that the UK was the worst performer among 39 high income countries. In the UK, relative child poverty increased by nearly 20%. In 2022, 1 million UK children were classed as living in a state of destitution, almost three times the figure seen 5 years earlier. It's entirely false economy to operate in this fashion. A healthy population is an investment for the future!

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