Monday, 22 June 2020

A-Not OK?

Although its genesis is more scientifically traditional than the DNA testing company who also claimed that people with a type 'O' blood group were more resistant to severe infection by Covid-19 than other ABO blood groups (, I have similar reservations about this study purporting to show that people with type 'A' blood carry a higher risk. Although some genes (including this?) may alter the ability of the virus to use its spikes to enter host cells, the conclusion currently seems somewhat premature and simplistic. The incidences of these simple blood grouping genes (and, consequently, of people with blood groups O, A, B and AB) varies with geography. We already know that a variety of socio-economic factors and career choices alter the likelihood of people contracting a severe Covid-19 infection. The role of genetics (if any) is much less clear. Although all information is potentially useful in the virus wars, there is little one can do about one's fundamental blood group. There is also a danger of scaring people with one blood group (A) and creating a blase attitude in another (O). 

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