Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Green Shoots?

It's an interesting indication but I think that it is 'pushing it' to claim that there is measurable popular support for a 'green recovery' to follow the Covid-19 lockdown (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jun/23/uk-public-supports-green-recovery-from-coronavirus-crisis). The actual 'majority' favouring a continuation of home working (where possible) and big changes to transport is actually based on the opinions of a panel of 108 members (the Climate Assembly UK) 'chosen to be representative of the UK population'. Being 'representative' seems to be an aspiration rather than an established fact. All 108 members must have been willing to devote their time to the project (how many people turned down invitations?). Having a small group, does facilitate effective dialogue but it also means that each person has an almost 1% input to the group's opinion. I personally would, in deed, like the government to try to maximise our response to climate change (a looming challenge) as they reboot the economy. I suspect, however, that there is likely to be more resistance (perhaps media-led?) to some of the needed changes than is implied by this article. All you need is for substantial minorities to refuse to go along with a consensus, for it to fall apart. 

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