Saturday, 20 June 2020

Anti-Vegan Myths?

Although, by no stretch of the imagination could I profess a commitment to 'veganism', I must admit that I found the recent article debunking 18 anti-vegan myths pretty convincing ( There is no doubt that the planet (and we folk living on it) is paying too high a price for its meat and dairy production.  Negative impacts include methane (a very potent 'greenhouse gas') production from burping cows; utilisation of massive tracts of land to grow monocultures of plants to feed to cattle rather than people; losses of carbon capturing vegetation; environmental destruction et cetera. There are also serious health concerns associated with an over-consumption of (especially red) meats and dairy. I can see no good reason why one wouldn't want to move to a diet that wasn't more plant based. The myths appear to be largely invented (sometimes using creative accountancy) by folk with vested interests. 

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