Friday, 12 June 2020

Pigs (Not at All in Clover)!

One of the more disturbing side-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic concerns US farmers reportedly having to cull their own pigs (generally produced and reared in enormous facilities) because of reduced capacity in local abattoirs ( The pigs or piglets are often gassed with carbon dioxide, although this can take several minutes. Another alternative is, said to involve switching off the building's ventilation thus inducing hyperthermia (over-heating), which kills the majority of the stock. Any 'survivors' are shot. One farmer has even set up his own 'humane' system using stunning and a captive bolt to rapidly kill the pigs (on a conveyor system)  one at a time. In most cases, the carcasses  are incinerated, rendered to obtain fat or converted into pet food. It appears that there is no simple way of halting the pig-producing process for a limited period of time.

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