Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Air Today!

Michael Greenstone and colleagues (University of Chicago) have created the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI), quantifying the impact of air pollution on life expectancy ( The AQLI reveals that air pollution globally cuts short the lives of billions of people. Using the index, air pollution is a much greater killer than e.g. smoking; car accidents; AIDS; alcohol/drug misuse; unsafe water/sanitation and malaria. Globally, air pollution reduces the lives of people by an average of more than 2 years. The worst effects are evident in India, where people lose up to 6 years of their lives to air pollution. The major culprit is obviously the burning of coal, largely for electricity generation. Using other hydrocarbons as fuels, also adds to problem. The wide-spread increases in wildfires, make air quality even worse. Obviously, pollution of the atmosphere doesn't remain where it is generated. Improving global air quality would have a maximal effect on public health. This improvement is also essential, of course, if the planet is to tackle climate change.

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