Sunday, 28 January 2024

It's (Another) Gas, Gas, Gas!

Liquid propane gas is generally used for heating and cooking. It can be made plant; seed or animal oils but less than 0.05% currently comes from such sources. The rest is a by-product of refining natural gas (methane) or crude oil. So, propane certainly isn't 'green'. It's very much a fossil fuel product, which, when burned, adds to climate-altering 'greenhouse gas' emissions. In spite of this, a lobby group, The Propane Education and Research Council (Perc) have attempted to promote propane as a clean and renewable source of energy ( Between 2021 and 2022/23, Perc made a 17-fold increase in its advertising budget. In deed, over the last 2 years, that group has spent nearly $30m on advertisements extolling the 'benefits' of propane. The YouTube kids channel has received a proportion of that advertising. Children were judged. by some Perc planners, to be 'ripe' for a propane 'greenwash'. This type of campaign seems highly reprehensible. After all, it's children who will eventually inherit the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. 'Greenwashing' their untutored minds seems the worst kind of corporate misinformation. Anything to make a buck?

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