Friday, 26 January 2024

No Tar!

Extraction of oil from Canada's Athabasca tar sands exceed 'industry reported' emissions by a very considerable margin. The air pollution produced, contains many organic molecules. These are making people sick over a wide geographical area. Oil extraction from these sands, also uses massive amounts of water, ensuring further wide-spread pollution. The extracted heavy, bitumin obtained also produces 30% more 'greenhouse gases' per litre, than conventional oil ( On all measures, exploitation of Athabasca's fossil fuels is consequently very ill-advised. The petrochemical companies involved will never, of course, cease tar sand extraction, so long as there are profits to be made and they have political support. They might even have been tempted to bend their figures, to make extraction look safer and less environmentally-damaging than it really is. It's clearly a fossil fuel that should simply be 'left in the ground'.

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Vaccine Cuts to the World's Poorest?

  The cuts in USAID will have devastating effects on vaccination programmes in many parts of the world (