Saturday, 2 October 2021

It's An Ill Wind?

As they say, "It's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)". Even the Covid19 pandemic has improved the fortunes of some people and science companies. Oxford Nanopore is a DNA and RNA sequencing company, set up in 2005, by 3 scientists at that University ( Oxford Nanopore's technology can sequence a whole genome (the entire DNA or RNA of an organism) in about 2 hours. This sequencing has been used for some time to track Ebola and Zika virus infections. In recent times, however, Oxford Nanopore products have been used, in 100 countries, to monitor the spread of Covid19 variants. This (and the many other potential medical and research uses of the sequencing), has led to an almost 50% surge in the company's share price on the London stock-market. Oxford Nanopore's Chief executive (and one of its co-Founders), Gordon Sanghera, now sits on a paper fortune of £63m.

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