Tuesday, 12 October 2021

To Boldly Go?

Ninety-year old Canadian actor William Shatner is due to take a flight to the edge of space on a Blue Horizon rocket (https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2021/sep/25/william-shatner-space-bezos-blue-origin-star-trek). For many years, Shatner played 'Captain Kirk', supposedly in charge of the Starship Enterprise in the long-running TV Star Trek series. The brief trip, on the Jeff Bezos Blue Horizon rocket, will make Shatner the oldest person to have gone into space. The 'astronaut' claims he wants to do the flight, so he can see for himself the threatened planet Earth. This seems to be humbug. What is the benefit to the planet of having a 90-year old assess its condition? Shatner will be greatly adding to 'greenhouse gas' emissions on the flight and is unlikely to be around for decades, compaigning against climate change. All the flight seems to be doing is:- a) ramping up enthusiasm for more Blue Horizon flights (with yet more emissions); b) rekindling interest in the Star Trek series (more TV and film repeats?) and c) advertising Amazon (and encouraging overconsumption). All this seems to happen with barely a squeak from governments and the media.

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