Saturday, 23 October 2021

Would You Buy Access to a Plot of Seabed From These Folk?

The Crown Estate makes millions of pounds every year by leasing areas of the seabed around England and Wales. 'Greed' appears to have caused them to lease the same area to two incompatible schemes (( An area, off the Yorkshire coast, has been leased to part of the giant Hornsea offshore windfarm and the East Coast Cluster Project. The cluster project, aims to capture carbon emissions from Teeside and Humber Industrial clusters. This carbon dioxide would then be stored under the North Sea in this precise location. The schemes are incompatible, because the foundations of the offshore wind turbines, would obstruct crucial seismic monitoring stations. The monitoring stations are needed to detect and prevent any leakage from the underwater carbon dioxide stores. Someone should get their money back (probably with compensation?).

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