Friday, 15 September 2023

Keeping the Geoengineering Genie in the Bottle?

The Climate Overshoot Commission suggest that a global moritorium on efforts to geoengineer the climate is needed. The Commission notes that there are currently no rules on what a country or even a business can do. It's especially concerned about solar radiation management. Suggestions in this area include making clouds whiter and placing mirrors in space. Both, in theory, could reflect more solar energy back into space, reducing global heating ( The Climate Overshoot Commission points out, however, the inherent dangers in tinkering with the global climate in ways that are not fully understood. It also notes that such geoengineering could have unintended and transboundary (being to the detriment of neighbouring countries) consequences. Although there's a likely overshoot of global heating to a figure over the Paris agreement, it would be best to stick to adaptations humans can fully control. A moritorium on geoengineering is highly appropriate but there's plenty of scope for deviant/overconfident states or businesses to indulge themselves, perhaps making things worse.

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