Friday, 8 September 2023

Vapid on Vapes?

We've heard it all before but it's getting worse. In the UK, there's been a four-fold increase in the number of single-use vapes since 2022. More than 5 million of these devices are dumped on the streets, dropped in a waste bin or flushed down the toilet every week. That's enough lithium to make 5000 electric car batteries ( Single-use vapes must be the most difficult item of waste to effectively recycle. That isn't helped by the fact that most sales points, do nothing to encourage the collection of their used items. Disposed vapes are also a fire hazard. And, yet, school children (especially girls) become increasingly hooked on these devices, by the addictive power of nicotine. There are calls (again) to ban single-use vapes in the UK but that's unlikely to be acted on.

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