Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Just Don't Mention the War (on Climate Change)?

Workers for the Australian National University's GreenLaw Project carried out a commissioned (by the Australian Conservation Foundation) analysis of conservation documents for the Country's most endangered wildlife (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/dec/14/conservation-documents-for-half-of-australias-endangered-species-dont-mention-climate-change). Although bush fires and droughts have been big news in Australia, half of the conservation documents didn't even mention global heating as a factor. In those that did, the mentions were generally very brief. The suggested remedial actions, for reducing the threat to particular species, were, in such cases, very limited. This 'playing down' of the importance of climate change seems to accord with the Australian government's Cop26-expressed attitude to limiting 'greenhouse gas' emissions.

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