Wednesday, 1 December 2021

OhMyGod: Mixed UK Messages in the Time of Omicron?

Strange times in the Democratic Republic of the UK. George Monbiot thinks that people 'should be out on the streets in millions', objecting to the extra 18 pages of 'backdoor' amendments to the government's Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill ( New 'crimes' will include individuals attaching themselves to another person, an object or land. It will also be a 'crime' to obstruct any major transport work (airports, rail or road); to cause a 'disturbance' or to encourage others to protest. The standard punishment for these and other activities appears to be 51 weeks in jail. Monbiot also notes that the police will have expanded stop and search powers. They will be able to stop and search in areas where there might be a demonstration. Monbiot feels the UK is drifting into becoming a police state. Perhaps he might be surprised, that members of that same government are fulminating about a real attack on 'civil liberties'. There is a 'new' (i.e. re-imposed for 3 weeks) requirement to wear face-masks in specified locations in England. The locations include, whilst using public transport, entering shops/supermarkets etc (these requirements have long been in place in many of the other UK countries). The requirement for face-masks seems to be a fairly minimal response to new concerns about the omicron variant of Covid19. The requirement is for the protection of others, as well as that of the wearer. Marina Hyde seems surprised that these 'babies' are 'throwing their toys out of the pram', about having to wear a 'face nappy (diaper)' ( One might wonder, if objectors to face-masks (including certain MPs), will ever be threatened with 51 weeks of jail time? Being asked to don a face-mask seems to be a very small 'imposition', even if you don't like the 'look'. The 'fun' doesn't stop there. The Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency, suggested that, until we know more about omicron, people should consider reducing their social contacts. Social contact spreads the virus. She was immediately contradicted by the UK's PM ( The PM says people should 'bop 'til they drop'. That means going to every Christmas Party/ Nativity Play to which they are invited. The country seems somewhat confused (and confusing) for old folk, like myself!

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Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...