Saturday, 4 December 2021

V Is For Vegan and Vengeance?

The dentition and the digestive systems of humans, strongly confirms that they were designed as omnivores (i.e. animals able to opportunistically eat a variety of animal, plant and fungal material). Increasing numbers of people are, however, becoming vegetarians and/or vegans. They get their nutrition exclusively from plants and fungi. There are several reasons for making this dietary choice. Some people want to reduce animal suffering, associated with rearing, hunting or killing a fellow animal to eat it. Others want to personally adopt a more healthy diet, with less saturated fat. Saturated fats are linked to a variety of medical conditions, including CHD. More recently, the lesser impact of veganism on climate change has been stressed by advocates. It is not at all unlikely that people will choose to eat more vegetables and fruit for a combination of all three reasons. Sadly, however, it appears that some 'lapsed vegans' are now receiving death threats from people who once supported them ( One must, of course, accept that many people, in our world, sadly don't have unfettered food choices. They may have very limited access to any food. For people in a happier position, what an individual eats, should be a matter of personal choice. Death threats from vegans, fits very strangely with a desire to reduce animal suffering! What seems to happen is that online advocates of veganism, disappoint their 'followers', by later changing their eating behaviour. Death threats, however, seems more than a bit cult-like. Surely it would be better to try to convince people of the merits of eating more vegetables, fruit and fungi, whilst reducing the intake of animal products?

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Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...