Friday, 3 December 2021

Trainhugger Treehuggers?

'Trainhugger' is a newish train ticket-booking agency with a novel twist ( Trainhuggers has a booking fee of £1.50 per ticket but they undertake to spend £0.50 on buying a 'whip'. A 'whip' is a tree shoot that is much smaller than a sapling. The 'whips' will be planted by the Royal Forestry Society or the Royal Scottish Forestry Society. They will be placed in forests owned by the societies or on the land of participating farmers. Treehugger thinks the schemes will appeal to 'eco-concerned' train travellers (they can have details of the total of the number of trees they have 'contributed'). Not all the 'whips' will survive to become mature trees. Trees only become important carbon sinks when they reach a reasonable size. The organisers think, however, that their scheme will markedly boost the numbers of trees the UK government, says have to be planted to counter the climate crisis. Treehugger do offer some reassurances about maintaining biodiversity. Their collaborators will not (it is said) plant inappropriate tree species in locations. Having said that, it is to be hoped that the scheme doesn't simply subsidise some commercial forestry initiatives.

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