Saturday, 9 December 2023

A Fair Cop, Guv'?

George Monbiot has nothing good to say about the United Nation's (UN's) numerous Conference of the Parties (Cop) meetings, intended to deal with the climate emergency. He describes the latest, Cop28, as 'a farce', dominated by lobbyists for fossil fuels and agricultural interests ( Monbiot suggests that only two of the 28 Cop meetings have even been 'half successes'. These, he feels, are the Kyoto protocol meeting of 1997 and the Paris agreement gathering of 2015. This, he says, represents a success rate of less than 4%. A popular quote (credited, probably erroneously, to Albert Einstein) that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results", seems to fit the UN's approach. They really do need to try something different to replace these annual jamborees for politicians and self-interested parties! For a start, their carbon footprints are pretty large.

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