Thursday, 4 January 2024

Run, Forest, Run!

Increasing numbers of trees are obviously needed to help counter climate change. They consume and store carbon dioxide. A country's deforestation footprint depends its per capita useage of materials like soya, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, beef and leather. Production of all such products, is augmented by forest clearance. This notably occurs in parts of the world, like Brazil and Malaysia. The UK's Environmental Audit Committee have described their country's deforestation footprint as 'unsustainable'.( The UK's deforestation footprint is higher than all other countries. It's even worse than China's, which has a much larger population and manufactures more exports. The response of the UK's parliament to the report, however, seems to be to try to take 'popular' products, like coffee, out of the footprint calculation. This, of course, will do nothing to help reduce deforestion or to inform consumers about their real impacts.

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