Friday, 29 May 2020

Anti-Vaxxers of America

It is somewhat worrying to hear that as many as 1 in 4 Americans are likely to refuse to be injected with any vaccine designed to treat Sars Cov-2 ( This would mean that it would be very difficult to get near to the minimum requirement of 70% of the population for 'herd immunity'. It seems that many of these people believe that the whole thing is a scam, dreamt up by the pharmaceutical companies to generate profits. Some claim that we are being made fearful of diseases that are 'not all that bad'. I wonder how they explain away the death rate from the Covid-19 pandemic in that country? It all seems a bit of a change from earlier times as, whilst briefly working in the US in the 1980s, I had to get one of my sons re-vaccinated before he was allowed to go to school (so 'herd immunity' must have been an issue then). Perhaps people are just getting blase about disease in general and thinking that it won't happen to them?

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