Saturday, 28 November 2020

Pretty Little Sting?

I must admit to have never been enthusiastic about the 'Black Friday' phenomenon. I suspect that this is because it seemed too much like hypercommercialism. I prefer to buy things when I think I need them (rather than when dictated to do so by the calender). Black Friday also seems to provide lots of opportunities for con-merchants and scammers. I was even more irritated than usual, however, by the news that Pretty Little Things had had a 99% off sale of clothing and shoes. ( Apparently, Pretty Little Things were offering dresses at, as little as 8p, and high-heeled shoes at 25p. Reportedly, one customer purchased more than 50 items (I wonder how frequently each dress will be worn?). This comes, precisely at a time, when people are being encouraged to turn away from 'fast fashion', on environmental grounds. One also suspects that the workers who generated these items were not exactly over-paid. I like Black Friday even less.

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Seeing the Changes 2120

The Bynea, Coltsfoot ( Tusillago farfara ) was peeping through.