Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Third Wave?

I know it is likely to result in my being labelled as a 'grinch' in some quarters but I will admit to being concerned (along with several scientists on the Sage committee) about the UK government wheeze for the Christmas period ( The 4-nation 'plan' appears to be to allow up to 3 households, from anywhere in the UK, to meet in their houses over 5-6 days (with the dates specified) of the festive season. Like the dissenting scientists, I think that this is a recipe for a 3rd wave of Covid-19 infections, that could very well overwealm the hospitals. It will be difficult to ensure that participants are from 3 households and festivities involve people sitting for long periods inside, in close proximity (facilitating transmission). There have already been complaints about why Christmas should be treated differently from the religious ceremonies of other groups and why the Scots can't have hogmanay? Some activities outside the 5-6 day period are likely (in the same way that 'bonfire night' extends between 30th October and 10th November). Fuel has already been added to viral transmission by moves to help foreign travel and to facilitate students returning from University to their homes. Christmas is likely to be the cherry on the cake! I would be much happier if people maintained a careful lifestyle until vaccination programmes have been completed (in time for Easter?) but I'm not selling anything!

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Seeing the Changes 2120

The Bynea, Coltsfoot ( Tusillago farfara ) was peeping through.