Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Out of Lockdown and On To The Plane!

Somewhat predictably, most climate change deniers, live in oil-producing countries (notably the USA and Saudi Arabia). In most other countries, clear majorities recognise that climate change is a looming and serious threat which is exaccerbated by human activities, including driving and flying. So it may seem a bit odd that a survey suggests many people intend to travel more intensively, as soon as the Covid-19 pandemic comes under control (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/nov/10/people-drive-fly-climate-crisis-global-poll-green-recovery-covid-pandemic). I suppose this is because people feel that they have been deprived of these 'enjoyable' activities by the virus. Perhaps they feel that they have earned it? If we are to get anything like a 'green recovery', expectations of unlimited post Covid travel will have to be curbed. This is neither going to be easy nor popular (especially in the frequent flyer cohorts).

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Seeing the Changes 2120

The Bynea, Coltsfoot ( Tusillago farfara ) was peeping through.