Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Soya Nara?

We talk the good talk but don't always walk the good walk! It was estimated that, in 2019, the UK imported about 1 million tonnes of Soya from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, without bothering to check if it was grown in regions blighted by illegal deforestation (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/01/uk-imported-1m-tonnes-of-soya-with-deforestation-risk-in-2019). The UK actually imported a total of 2.5 million tonnes of soya in 2019 (so the 1 million tonnes is 40% of the total). In this country, most is used to feed farmed animals. So, we are responsible for a number of steps that impact on climate change. Firstly, we have a direct impact, by encouraging the deforestation that reduces the planet's ability to store atmospheric carbon. Secondly, the marine transport of the soya to our shores, contributes a large carbon footprint. And, thirdly, the animals eating the soya, are major generators of 'greenhouse gases' (especially the cattle who burp out potent methane). I don't expect that we ever accurately assess our contribution to climate change via such convoluted routes. We won't become carbon neutral by simply changing from petrol and diesel to electric cars!

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Seeing the Changes 2121

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