Sunday, 25 April 2021

Benefits of Covid-19 Vaccinations

After the agonising about possible links between Covid-19 vaccinations and a vanishingly rare blood disorder, it's good to get actual concrete news on vaccine effectiveness ( A study, involving more than 350,000 people, was jointly carried out by Oxford University and the UK Office for National Statistics. 21 days after a 1st dose of either the Pfizer or the Oxford vaccine, the Covid infection rate declined by 65%. This single injection was more effective against symptomatic rather than asymptomatic infections. Older people were just as well protected by vaccination as younger age groups. The study also found that a 2nd Pfizer jab boosted protection to 90%. It is too early to provide a comparable number for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. This vaccine was employed somewhat later in the UK. Figures for an extra benefit should, however, be available soon. The 2 main vaccines used in the UK roll-out are thus currently highly effective in preventing deaths and hospitalisations. Vaccination also breaks the chains of transmission of the virus in populations. This reinforces the truism that vaccination benefits greatly outweigh any risks.

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